Academic Orientation 2022-23

Academic Orientation 2022-23:

MSB Educational Institute, Bangalore, organized it's Academic Orientation for parents on the 18th of June. The theme for the day was SMART. A short video highlighted the functioning of MSB as a Smart School. General rules and regulations of the school, upcoming activities and events were shared by the Masool/ Principal. Vice-principal gave an insight into the basic course of action to be followed to be on track and enjoy the school year. A demo of the Tarbiyat App was given by the Tarbiyat team. A demo on Robotics was given by Blix Robotics highlighting the importance of including Robotics in the regular curriculum. 

After the general session, Classes 1 and 5 who are in their transition year from one section to the other had a separate orientation in their classes. The parents were briefed on academics and assessment patterns by the Class Muraquib and Class teacher. In the remaining classes, parents got important pointers related to the academic year by scanning a QR code in each classroom.

The Parent handbook which gives an overview of the school, its culture, its systems, and all relevant information about the school was given to the parents by the class teachers.

The orientation aimed to equip the parents with knowledge about important pointers and guidelines governing the school.

  • Centre:MSB Bangalore
  • Date:18 Jun,2022

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